Wednesday, May 1, 2013

yoh! everybody!

long time no see..
direct translate from Chinese..
speaking some broken English..
hope you don't mind thee..

Joking actually. I can speak proper English..Just that, mostly peeps around me are all Chinese educated..Therefore, I'm influenced...Thanks to them..

By the way, I wanted to mention someone here and I hope she see this post one day..Surprising me that I found out I have 5 followers for my blog, and one of them is one of my friends' girlfriend..But I wonder, did she knew that this is my blog..Haha..No matter what, Yeong Fang!!! You are the lucky one I'm saying here!!! Can you see me?? Hi~ XD

Anyway, just came by to update my little life here..Hope all my dear audience knew some English, as I'm using simple English only..I know where is my English level..Just, don't laugh at my English okay? I'll do my best to improve..

Well, recently I have graduated from TARC Penang and I found a job in an auditing firm!! Just started working two days ago. Originally I planned to be jobless and waited time pass me secretly, smoothly and I go for full time ACCA study for my first three external papers, but then it is so time wasting, and I'm like farming [growing fungus and mushroom] everyday in my room on my bed, doing nothing..Then here came my friend, telling me that she was finding jobs, go a lot of places for interviews..Finally, one of the company called and she got a job two weeks before me..So happy for her that time..

While for my case, honestly, I hate to plan and make decisions..Really hate it so much..Maybe I'm just giving myself too much pressure that I could not bare to take in any regret in my future, that's why I don't like to make decisions..After some struggling and some uncomfortable conversations with my daddy, I decided to send in resumes to some companies..The next day, a manager called up and she offered me an interview.. I'm so damn happy and excited that time..I prayed to Lord Jesus at night before I went to bed..

Early in the morning, I went out early to search for the location..After filling up the form, a guy came to me and asked me to follow him to an office..I never realized that he is the boss until the interview session take place..After he asked a few questions, he asked me, if he were to offer me the job, when can I start working..I answered him, I can start immediately..And the boss was so surprised and excited, he told me that it is very hard to find such employee, and I'm like really?..Then he straight away confirmed me, telling me that it is hard for a boss, especially him, to direct confirm an interviewee on the spot, and continued briefing me some of the company culture..The next day, there were some other companies called up to offer me interview but I rejected all..And I am satisfied with my boss, company, colleagues, the location, my pay and everything..Or shall I say, "so far so good", just because I just started working for two days??

I don't know so much..But from my past experience, I know I will work in the same company no matter what, doing my best no matter what, unless God tell me to leave the place and go to another training ground.. Or else, I will stay at the same place until the end of my employment, which is when I  reach retirement age, no matter what..

Okay then..That's all for today's holiday..Wish everyone Happy Labor Day..^^

Friday, January 11, 2013


这个词我常对我很要好的朋友们说。是西班牙 "hello" 的意思。

在此和大家说 hello。。好久不见。。谢谢你们常经过这里。。

转眼半年就这样过去了。。学院的生活也要结束了。。有点不舍的说……人生嘛,就是要做很多很多的决定。。偏偏我最讨厌的就是做决定。。[因为真的很怕后悔啊。。] 唉。。T.T


从高中毕业后,拿了成绩单。。是有不错的成绩啦。。要读什么都可以。。想了又想。。想了又再想。。到底以后我要做什么?这个问题。。不是一般的容易解答啊。。害我苦恼了好久的说。。/ . \ 。。后来,有个教会的朋友问我:



上了学院,第一学期:打根基。我觉得有点不上手。不过因为英文的底子还算可以,所以勉强还跟得上。接下来的学期,我一直一直在进步。。[连我自己都不太能认得我自己了说。。] 大家都说难的科目,我真的觉得容易;可大家说容易的科目,我真的觉得不太容易。[我真的从外太空掉下来的吗?=3= ] 最记得我考律法科(business law 和 corporate law ) 的成绩。。我妹妹说:“这大姐姐变态的。。不应该读会计,应该去读律法。。成绩拿那么好。。” 偷偷瞄我老爸老妈的表情, 他们是很满足的笑脸。。多么的引以为傲。。那脸都在发光了。。哈哈。。。

读完了文凭,为了要出国考学位,就继续考读高级文凭。。这个程度可不好读咯。。刚刚考完的学期,那些科目,真的让我吐血。。遇上了真的不会教的兼职教授,真的是一个字 “衰”。。真的好难啊。。人生第一次觉得压力。。吃也不太能吃得下,睡也不太能睡得好。。那压力在我里头好像淹没了我的肺,让我一直有作呕的感觉。。真是要命啊。。现在只剩下最后一个学期了。。还好不用再考试了。。可是大家都在催问我要不要兼职。。唉。。我承认我有那一点的选择障碍啦。。我真的很怕出去做工的说。。虽然有做过工。。但是要选一个跟我读的科系有关的工作,我真的倍感压力。。因为读了那么多,我真的怕自己没办法将我所学过的都应用在工作上。。真的越读越怕。。读完大学出来,还要再面对同样的问题呢。。[悲哀呐。。。]

结束了学院生活,就要开始大学生活了。。第一次出国呢。。很兴奋的说。。。猜猜我去哪个国家读书。。虽然只去短短的三个月,可是那人生的经历啊。。。[等我经历时再来和你们分享呗。。嘻嘻。。^^] 现在就一直在准备了。。不管是日用的、心情、心态等等。。我都从骨子里很兴奋的在做准备。。大家也会支持我吧?我相信你们。。

老实说,我不是个天才,更不是个蠢才。。我只是普通到不行的一个人。。[或外星人?] 我并不是每天呆在家读书的人,因为平时真的没办法读进脑。。直到考试前,那一点点的压力才能推动我将所有的东西读进脑袋里。。考试一过,很抱歉,我通通忘了。。所以才这么怕去工作啊。。唉。。。我只是不曾和朋友出去走街玩耍吃东西。。[就算有,也是很久很久才有一次。。] 我只是不曾逃课。。我只是平时都不出门。。[就算有,也是和家人出而已。。]

问我每天在家做什么? 呵呵。。我东摸摸西摸摸,就能摸出东西来做了。。小学的时候,自己常常躲在房间玩寻宝。。东挖挖西挖挖,就能挖出东西来。。自己做手工艺、写信、读信。。。电脑那东西,虽然非常的 “老爷”, 可是我能够打字,有简单的游戏玩就够了。。初中和高中的时候,常常陶醉在课外活动。。非常的活跃。。那时就常常留在学校打球运动。。上了学院的时候,都是上网多。。因为要找资料,什么都要用电脑。。考完试,学期假,就半夜不睡觉在那里写小说。。现在还没完成呢。。因为灵感没来就暂时没写了。。
